In a crisis and exceptional circumstances and where a referral through the GP is not possible an Initial Screening Assessment appointment can be carried out by the Redbridge Access and Assessment Team which you can call on 0844 600 108.
If you live in Redbridge these are other useful numbers in an emergency:
- NELFT Mental Health Direct: 0300 555 1000
- Local Police Station: 020 8478 1123
- NHS Direct: 0845 4647
- Out of Hours Duty Social Worker
- (Ilford Town Hall): 020 8478 3020
- Redbridge Night Shelter: 020 8514 8958
- Samaritans: 020 8553 9900
- Victim Support: 020 8551 5500
If all else fails then:
- Go to A & E
- Or Call 999 for an ambulance.