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Have you got a cancer story you would like to share?

Have you got a positive story about beating cancer or having or receiving a great service when being checked?

Would like to explore your feelings, fears and cancer stories through creative writing, poetry or another creative route?

We have secured a grass roots grant from NHS North East London Cancer Alliance to explore the barriers that play a role in people’s attitudes and feelings about cancer screening or seeking advice when symptoms occur.

This is an important project to improve outcomes and experiences for the OPE community. We will be coming to talk to some of the user groups and networks in the coming months, so keep an eye out. We will also be holding a discussion group open to anyone who wishes to attend, facilitated by Ian Beever.

📅Monday 11 November 2024
⌚ 2pm – 4pm
🏢 One Place East Office, Ilford Chambers, 11 Chapel Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 2DR
We will be developing some information resources, short films and workshops on the subject. We know it’s a hard subject to talk about but your input can help improve the health outcomes for all of us by taking part.
To attend, or for more information please contact the OPE office on: 020 8925 2435 or email info@oneplaceeast.org